AD3251 Data structures design important questions

AD3251 Data structures design important questions

  UNIT - 1

 1. ADT ( abstract data types )

2. Inheritance.

3. Asymptotic Notations.

4. Recursion , analyzing recursive algorithm.

UNIT - 2

1. List ADT array based, linked list , Singly linked list , Circularly linked list.

2. Implementations .

UNIT - 3 

1. Sorting ( Bubble , Selection , Insertion morge , quick )

2. Searching ( Linear , Binary ) 

UNIT -  4

1. AVL trees.

2. Tree ADT , binary tree.

3. ADT tree traversals / binary search trees.

UNIT - 5

1. Graph ADT , graph traversal.

2. DAG , Topological ordering, Shortesh path minimum Spanning tree.

Note : Here very shortlisted important question so you don't leave any question read all and all the best for exam


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